Integrated Transport Strategy refresh engagement now closed

We want Glen Eira to be a community of child-friendly neighbourhoods that are connected to a network of vibrant and well-designed walkable activity centres — a community that will have a range of travel options to serve all our needs. We aim to reduce car use towards 50 per cent of all trips. To deliver this vision, in 2018, we launched the Integrated Transport Strategy 2018–31.

To keep up with community needs, we are refreshing the Strategy, focusing on the priorities for the next five years. This includes public transport and the road network, centres and neighbourhoods, trails and paths, safety measures and behaviours, awareness and attitudes, housing developments and charging for electric vehicles.

We consulted with you in late 2023 on your travel needs and aspirations. We learned that you want more efficient transport to move around safely; more attractive places to live, work and play; and doing so in a more sustainable way.

You can view the engagement summary report in the Document Library to view results.

What parts of the transport strategy are we refreshing?

We are seeking your feedback on the following five topics:

  1. Safety principle — our statement on what we seek to achieve related to safety
  2. Priorities related to efficient transport movement
  3. Priorities related to attractive places
  4. Priorities related to being safe and feeling safe
  5. Priorities related to sustainability and climate change

Join the conversation and provide your feedback by Tuesday 7 May 2024.

Join the conversation

There are several ways you can provide your feedback on the transport strategy refresh:

Find out more

We encourage you to find out more about the project by attending a face-to-face drop-in information session.