Council adopts Elsternwick Structure Plan 2023

The final Elsternwick Structure Plan 2023 went to Council for consideration in August. The Plan was adopted with a number of changes to the original proposal. These included:

  • the addition of reductions to proposed building heights at a number of locations;
  • excluding of a number of areas of land from the Elsternwick Major Activity Centre boundary; and
  • an undertaking to advocate to the Victorian Government to explore methods and policies that will better protect sunlight on footpaths in Centres where the main shopping street runs east to west.

The Plan is a guide for the future development of the Elsternwick Major Activity Centre, balancing the need for growth with existing community preferences. Elsternwick is a diverse and growing area, with a vibrant shopping strip, accessible public transport and desirable residential streets.

The Structure Plan will help guide growth in suitable areas and ensure any growth contributes to our high-quality streets, public open spaces, heritage character and amenity with a mix of mandatory and discretionary building heights proposed. It also outlines a shared vision for the area’s future and was a culmination of technical analysis, design work and community consultation.

For more information about next steps, visit the Glen Eira website.

Have your say

Engagement on the draft Elsternwick Structure Plan closed on Friday 16 December 2022. Thank you to those who provided feedback. You can find the Community Engagement Summary Report in the document library on the side of this page.

How will feedback be used?

Following community engagement, Council reviewed feedback and considered necessary changes to the draft Elsternwick Structure Plan where appropriate.