Share your thoughts on fair access

We welcome your feedback to help us progress our work on fair access across our sporting infrastructure.

Community sport and active recreation needs to be safe, accessible, and inclusive — for everyone — from players, coaches, and administrators to volunteers, spectators and officials.

That’s why we’re developing our first-ever draft Fair Access Policy and Action Plan, to support more equal access to community sport and active recreation, especially for women and girls.

Fair access recognises the importance of creating a level playing field to help increase participation of women and girls and other underrepresented groups in sports and recreation.

It's time for fair access

More about Fair Access

  • All Victorian councils are required to have a Fair Access Policy and Action Plan by October 2024. This is part of the Victorian Government Fair Access Policy Roadmap that is currently being rolled out.

  • The Fair Access Policy Roadmap requires community sporting facilities to be available for everyone ̶ so that women and girls, and men and boys have fair and reasonable access to the 'best' training and game times as well as to social and change room facilities.

  • Fair access is about everyone being able to fully participate and reach their full potential when playing community sport. It considers the needs of women, girls and gender diverse people, people who are under represented as well as men and boys.

  • Sporting clubs provide positive physical, social and mental wellbeing benefits. Everyone has the right to enjoy these benefits from early participation right through to leadership roles.

Fair Access Principles