Repair cafe pop ups

We heard from the Future Waste Greener Glen Eira engagement that one of our community 's top ideas for keeping resources in circulation longer is for Council to provide a facilitated repair hub.

We are now trialing three Repair cafe pop ups at Carnegie Library as part of our Repair Share Care education initiative during September, October and November 2024. We would love you to participate. You can find out more about how to get involved and register at

  • Sunday 15 September, 1pm – 4pm, Carnegie Library and Community Centre

  • Saturday 12 October, 1pm – 4pm, Carnegie Library and Community Centre

  • Saturday 9 November, 1pm – 4pm, Carnegie Library and Community Centre

  • What is a Repair Cafe?

    Repair Café is an event for community members to bring in worn out or broken belongings to see if they can be repaired instead of thrown away. Volunteers share their time and skills to fix items as best as they can or provide advice.

    Our Repair Café events are a friendly and welcoming space – a place to connect over a cuppa, learn about the art of repair and share stories about treasured pieces.

Closing the Loop

Engagement summary findings

Thank you to the Glen Eira community for your engagement in our Future Waste Greener Glen Eira project. We received 798 contributions and connected with many more of you in person during the various pop up and targeted engagements we conducted.

The Future Waste, Greener Glen Eira Engagement Summary Report below, details the engagement data and findings in full.

Final engagement report

Review the results and the many interesting and insightful views and ideas shared by our community

A snap shot of engagement data

Our community's top three responses to keeping resources in circulation longer:

1. Provide a Council facilitated point of sale for second hand items e.g. community market or store front.

2. Provide a Council facilitated repair hub.

3. Increase education about waste and recycling through webinars, community group sessions, mailouts and posters.

Our community's top 3 ideas of a community project to avoid waste:

1. Partner with or encourage private retailers to allow and promote the use of reusable containers / recyclable packaging and reduced packaging.

2. Increase education relating to waste and recycling

3. Provide more opportunities to save items from landfill e.g. community bins or markets, e-waste hubs, a local transfer station.

Our community's top 3 views on how Council can support them to reduce waste:

1. Provide more opportunities to safely dispose of products that can’t go in kerbside bins (paint, batteries, chemicals).

2. Support a local recycling or repair hub.

3. Provide more information to help make sustainable choices.

Our community's top 3 views on reducing contamination:

1. Increase education.

2. Clearer labels, signs and stickers on all bins.

3. Increase monitoring of residential bins.

Whats Next? How will the engagement data be used

The Future Waste, Greener Glen Eira Engagement Summary Report was presented to Council at their meeting on 21 May 2024. During this meeting Council unanimously endorsed the community’s feedback in the report and confirmed the intention to use these findings to inform future planning of our waste services. This will include informing the pending tender process for waste management contracts.

Community Engagement

About Future Waste, Greener Glen Eira

We want to understand your values and preferences to inform future thinking around waste, and how to reduce and dispose of it.

This is because as well as planning for a separate glass recycling service to be delivered by 2027, some of our waste service contracts are being reviewed in 2024.

So, as part of this planning, we have a major opportunity to inform how we manage our waste more responsibly and sustainably.

To get this right, we’re putting our community at the centre of the future planning.

Read more below and join the conversation to learn, share ideas and be part of our greener, more sustainable future.

We provide three waste collection streams to over 59,000 residences across the municipality — and we know our community values them.

Recycling and waste services are one of the many ways we help maintain our city’s liveability.

This includes things like residential kerbside waste collections, booked hard rubbish collections and bin collections in our public open spaces like parks and activity centres.

We are working with the Victorian Government to comply with legislation and implement household recycling and waste services that meet our community’s needs.

As part of this consistent approach to household recycling, all councils are required to provide a separate glass recycling service by 2027.

We want to hear your thoughts and understand how a separate glass recycling service would work best for you.

In Glen Eira, we partner with external companies who deliver all of our waste collection services for kerbside bins, hard rubbish collection and public bins along the street and in parks and reserves.

Some of these waste service contracts are being reviewed in 2024.

These contracts are typically in place for multiple years and since they were last updated, we’ve made major commitments to reduce our climate footprint, and our community’s values have also shifted. So, it’s time for a refresh.

Through this refresh, we have a major opportunity to inform how we manage our waste more responsibly and sustainably.

At the same time, we’ll engage with the waste industry to seek new ideas and cutting-edge solutions to support the development of these contracts and grow our circular economy.

We deliver these waste services for our entire community.

It’s important we work closely with you to support, educate and empower you to know what services we offer and how to use them so that we’re all accountable for how we manage our resources.

To make sure these services remain accessible to our community and meet your needs, it’s critical that they’re used correctly. That means putting the right waste into the right bin and using the correct service.

Aside from using these services daily to dispose of your waste, our community is waste-conscious and work hard to reduce unnecessary waste and recycle where possible.

In the 2022–2023 financial year you recycled and composted more of our resources than ever before. 60 per cent of household waste was diverted from landfill and we saved over 10,000 tonnes or food and garden waste from going to landfill by using the green bin.

We want to see more of this — and we want to do what we can to support you.

In line with our circular economy work, we want to encourage the community to do what they can to create less waste in the first place. This includes shopping second hand, giving something you no longer need to a friend who will make use of it or purchasing items made of recycled materials.

Want to read more? Visit our website to access resources and materials to help you on your waste journey.

How to have your say

  1. Complete the survey to give your detailed feedback about current and future waste services.
  2. Share your 'big ideas' to keep resources in circulation for longer in the 'Share your ideas for future waste' section.
  3. Share your ideas for community projects and programs.
  4. Attend one of our pop-up engagement events listed in the 'Pop ups in the community' section of this page.

Complete the survey

Give your feedback on current services and share your ideas for future waste services in this 10 minute survey.

With Council support, do you have an idea for a community program or project that could help us avoid waste in the first place?

31 March, 2024

Jane says:

Soft Plastic Bin / Regular Council Pick-Up

28 February, 2024

sgermain says:

Building materials recycling program - A location or service where "good quality" leftover building materials can go to a new home/project.

23 February, 2024

Olivia says:

Tool library such as this one in Brunswick: Could include appliances, hardware. Or a toy library.

7 February, 2024

sbuchanan says:

Community Repair cafe - a monthly event where skilled volunteers help to repair and mend household items to keep them in use for longer.